I picked up this neat little collaboration, on Fieldwerk, at a show that Edison opened for Aesop Rock at In the Venue in SLC. It was probably for the Skeleton tour, and Aes had been doing some projects with Edison around the time called 900 Bats, or something like that. Edison is a monome master and I’d loved his videos and what I could get my hands on for Nerd Show. Lazerbeak, on the other hand, is one of the two masterminds behind the sound of the Doomtree collective and I think he prefers the MPC style. Nonetheless, I was stoked to pick this up.
I decided to go for the Lazerbeak side, as I was more unfamiliar with his solo work, and it’s full of neat beats. Some are brief, while others are longer compositions. All feel very thought out, and it still amazes me that these were probably recorded on an MPC. Hard to pick a single tune from this side, but Don’t Tie Me Down was my favorite this listen. Strangely, I couldn’t find this on YouTube so I can’s share it. Perhaps it’s available on other services.
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