#54/100 – Purity Ring – Shrines

Discogs calls this “synth-pop” and I agree, a little, but it has so many triplets that there should be a trap note in there somewhere. Another of my late friend Carl’s collection, this one always intrigues me for a few reasons. The song titles are mostly compound words. The singer is very well mixed in but her range is in fixed notes. So. Many Triplets. Lots of synths done pretty well. It’s like Sylvan Esso, but a little earlier and not as good.

Side B was my pick because I’d heard it less, but I was surprised after listening to Saltkin and then finding it was produced by Jon Hopkins, who I am familiar with. It really sounded better produced, and more coherent, but without sounding different. It was my pick of the side amongst some other pretty neat tracks.


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